by Rini Sampath

Ehrgott’s photography evokes feelings of calm and peace. No wonder she chose to title her Tumblr,
where she displays the majority of her work,”Stillness.” The vintage finish of her images — complete with light leaks and faded textures — make it hard to look away. She captures the joy of surfing and the great outdoors through breathtaking shots of gentle waves and the open water. But Ehrgott isn’t only behind the camera. She’s in front of it, too. Her versatility as a surfer, photographer and a model makes her the next Rise Bar High Riser. Ehrgott’s passion for surfing began before she even finished elementary school. She credits her background growing up in the scenic area of Topanga Canyon for her growth as a person. She also had the chance to escape California and experience other countries, thanks to her Welsh background. “My mom is Welsh so we spent most summers in Wales and England with her family. I’m lucky I got to travel a lot as a kid, something that’s become a huge part of my life now,” she said. Ehrgott looks up to Nat Young and Joel Tudor, two surfing icons, for their style in the water. “I can watch endless clips of Nat Young surfing in the late 60s. Joel Tudor paved a path for surfing I wouldn’t be on had he not influenced logging the way he did.” Ehrgott loves to fuel up with an
Apricot Goji Rise Bar before and after her sessions in the water. “I always keep a bar in my car because I tend to make decisions last minute and end up camping somewhere several hours away more often then I stay at home. Rise Bars definitely saved the day in that respect. I also love having a few around for friends to try.” Anna can be reached at