Passion is something we all strive for, and here at Rise Bar, we’re especially excited to showcase those high risers who pursue their passions. Justin Bird, our latest high riser, does that quite literally – as part of the team of matchmakers on Bravo TV’s ‘Millionaire Matchmaker,’ Justin gets up every day with the enthusiastic goal of finding love for others. When he’s not playing cupid, he focuses on his fitness. This All-American athlete pursues passion in both his personal life and physical fitness.

Justin is a southern California native who grew up playing a variety of sports, though he eventually settled on baseball – a sport he excelled in as a collegiate All-American athlete. He continues to find inspiration when in the athletic mentality. Competition helps this matchmaker rise every day, both on the field and off: “If you’re not hustling, you’re falling behind,” he told Rise Bar. This mantra rings true for every aspect of Justin’s busy lifestyle. “The opportunity to get better in all facets of life gets me out of bed in the morning. Each day, I want to be a better person, work on my fitness, meet someone new, and learn something new,” he said. Justin is currently most passionate about his career. As the only straight guy on ‘Millionaire Matchmaker’ Patti Stanger’s team, he brings a unique perspective to the table. As part of his job on the show, it’s his responsibility to interview potential date matches for the clients of the Millionaire’s Club. He tells Rise Bar that he particularly enjoys the mixers, the events where he seeks out potential matches for the current client. The mixers “are always so fun and held at nice venues, how can you not have fun with that combo? And the 20 women running around doesn’t hurt,” he admitted.

Justin also told us about his own personal journey in pursuing passion and love. This bachelor is currently single because he’s looking for a love like that of his parents. “Until that comes, I’m not going to sport date for fun,” he said. But he can mix business with pleasure sometimes! Justin gets in trouble for what his boss, Patti, “thinks is flirting with the women,” he conceded to Rise Bar. But Justin does have a certain method: “I know deep down she gets a kick out of it. She’s a good sport and laughs with us. It’s a really great group of colleagues I have at the Millionaire’s Club.” With all that’s going on in his life, Justin makes sure he finds time for balance. Whether he’s learning on the job, or about himself, or pursuing new passions, Justin knows he can rely on his workout routines to keep him focused – “I am not the same person if I don’t get my workout in.” Justin also keeps up a health conscious diet, including comfort food once or twice a week. He admitted to us that he eats Rise Bars like candy on cheat days! His favorite flavors are Almond Honey and Macadamia Pineapple.