
Summer Bucket List

Aug 02, 2014Booster Apps

Whether you take an exotic vacation or enjoy time at home for the season, summer is the time for fun under the sun and warm, relaxing nights. It’s also a great time to experience nature hands-on, when the weather’s not too hot, of course! We at Rise Bar want you to appreciate the great outdoors, so we’ve compiled a list of things for you to enjoy. There’s no better time than the summer to spend some extra time out of that overly-air conditioned office and get some fresh air!

Night Swimming
Whether you live by the beach or prefer the pool, those warm summer nights are the perfect time to get in the water. Not only does swimming have body-shaping benefits, but there’s no ground impact when you’re in the water – so you can protect your joints from stress and strain. Swimming also gives your body a break because it lessens the effects of gravity. So while strength training may take a toll on your body every day, swimming actually gives your body a boost. Not to mention the peacefulness of a relaxing swim during the darker hours.

Summer Concerts
You don’t have to go to a big name concert to appreciate good tunes. City parks often hold concerts for local talent so check your local listings. These festivities are usually free, and depending on the event, can also host gourmet food trucks. For a healthier alternative, pack your own picnic basket and head to the park!

Kayaking & Paddle Boarding
Summer is the best time for water sports. So instead of hitting the rowing machine at the gym, head to the water and rent a kayak for the day. This fun workout is good for your back, arms, hands, abdomen, and chest – and you get to do it all while experiencing nature from the comfort of your very own kayak.

There’s no better way to get up close and personal with Mother Nature than to take the road less traveled – literally – and hit the trails. If you don’t have the time for an extended camp-out, taking a short hike for a few hours can be a good way to refresh and restore yourself, just to get away from it all. And there’s no better time to do this than summer, when the weather is inviting you to come outside!

Stargazing & Moongazing
Whether you just want to relax for the night or take some amazing pictures, summer offers countless opportunities to just sit back and enjoy the view. Just this summer, NASA reports that there will be three supermoons – in July, August, and September. The scientific term for this phenomenon is “perigee moon,” or when the moon is closest to the earth. For bonus points, take a hike away from the lights of the city in order to really appreciate the skies at night!

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