4 Fun Workouts To Try This Summer

4 Fun Workouts To Try This Summer


Unlike the crazy busy holiday season, summer gives you the perfect chance to stay on track with your fitness goals.

It’s much easier to keep active when the days are longer, the sun is shining bright, and the weather’s more optimistic. And those perks can all help energize a stale workout routine.

So if you need some summer fitness inspo to stay motivated, our favorite workouts to try this summer should do the trick.

The Top 4 Workouts To Try This Summer

Whether you’re stuck in a fitness rut or just looking to change things up, these four workouts will help reignite your mind and activate your muscles. They’re also fun workouts to do, so you’ll be happier to stick with them:

1. Try Surf-Inspired Fitness Classes

rise bar, maple cashew

Places like Surfset New York City and City Surf Fitness in New Orleans are taking the incredible full-body workout of surfing indoors.

You’ll work your entire body using moves that engage your core the whole time on a lookalike surfboard. You’ll feel as if you’re a legit surfer student without the fear of falling off into actual water.

But if you want to test your skills at the beach after a few classes, we say go for it!

2. Enjoy Outdoor Yoga Classes

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Outdoor yoga classes are one of the best ways to take advantage of summer’s warm, sunny weather. 

You’ll inhale deep breaths of fresh outdoor air while exhaling your worries away — which is exactly what summer should be all about.

Your backyard, local park, or beach all make fantastic spots for your next yoga session. Some cities even offer yoga at the zoo

Look for sunrise or sunset classes to avoid the heat (unless you want a hot yoga experience). You’ll score the best scenic views and comfortably hold positions longer.

Run a quick search to see what’s happening in your area and sign up for anything that sounds remotely interesting. You won’t regret it, especially if you’ve been feeling stuck indoors at the gym.

3. Take Your TRX Outside

If you have a TRX suspension trainer that you’ve been faithfully using indoors, why not take it outside during the summer?

You’ll find plenty of helpful TRX at the park YouTube videos to show you exactly where to put it for safe support. You’ll also pick up a few of the best moves to do on the go.

You can even pack your trainer in a suitcase and take it with you on vacation to really switch up your workout ambiance.

4. Work Out In Water

rise bar, maple cashew

What would summer be without jumping into a body of water to cool off and relax?

Swimming is the ultimate summer workout — it’s a low-impact exercise that works the entire body — and it gives you an excellent excuse to have some fun in the water.

You can swim against the current at the beach. Swimming and treading in a nearby lake also burns tons of calories.

If you’d rather work out at the pool, swimming laps is always a good idea. But don’t limit yourself to just this lane. You should also:

  • Try out some water aerobics classes
  • Use waterproof ankle or wrist weights
  • Attempt to run back and forth in the water, which offers killer resistance
  • Squat or lunge in the shallow end
  • Practice some tricep dips and incline pushups against the edge


Just getting in the water for 30 minutes of exercise will be enough to re-energize your soul and give your body the movement it needs to thrive.

Have Fun with these 4 Workouts To Try This Summer 

As Kyle Cooke from Bravo’s popular hit show Summer House once said, “Summer should be fun!”

Thankfully, these four workouts will keep you pumped for all the season’s good vibes. 

No matter which you choose, you’ll find it much easier and more motivating to work out. And that’s the secret to staying on track with your fitness goals.

So enjoy one (or more) of these fun summer workouts, and you’ll be so happy you did!

Read next: 5 Fun and Easy Ways To Get Your Workout In This Summer

Author: Devan Ciccarelli 

Email: devan@behappynothangry.com
Instagram/Facebook Group: @behappynothangry/Be Happy Not Hangry
Website: www.behappynothangry.com  

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