Lucky for us we had a chance to sit down with the CEO of Rise Bar for a little Q&A.
What is your favorite part about working at Rise Bar?
I love the energy that everyone brings to Rise Bar.
Who is one of your greatest inspirations?
My parents.
Tell us something about the Rise Bar family that we can’t learn from the store shelves.
The amount of time and diligence that it takes to procure the best ingredients and manufacture our bars carefully.
How many Rise Bars do you eat a week?
Probably 5, I like to take 2 days off.
What is your favorite bar and why?
The Almond Honey protein bar, because of the simplicity of the ingredients while getting 20g of protein, there’s nothing else like it.
If you knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you do?
I would launch a complimentary business in South America or Europe.
What is your dream for Rise Bar?
The dream is to be twofold one to be available in markets in all 50 states and to keep adding the most talented and passionate people to our team.
Did you ever imagine yourself being a CEO of a nutrition bar company before launching Rise Bar?
I always wanted to run my own business, and I have always been into health and fitness. But, to say I thought I would be here 5 years ago, I’d be lying.
What are your favorite hobbies?
Any form of outdoor exercise, friends, family, and personal growth.
What is one of your mantras or what keeps you motivated?
Every day I tell myself to be courageous, loving, adventurous, and compassionate.