The Top 6 Christmas Gifts for Fitness Lovers

The Top 6 Christmas Gifts for Fitness Lovers


The Top 6 Christmas Gifts for Fitness Lovers

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What are the top Christmas gifts for fitness lovers this year?

Whether you’re creating your wishlist or looking for the perfect gift for the workout enthusiast in your life, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re sharing our top six picks in this guide. 

You’ll find a variety of gifts in a range of price points to help you or your special someone reach their health and fitness goals in 2022 and beyond.

The 6 Best Christmas Gifts for Fitness Lovers

Anyone who likes to sweat will be happy to receive one (or more!) of these exceptional gifts:

1. A Pair of Workout Dice

These fitness dice can help the fitness lover on your shopping list change up their workouts and have some fun while doing so.

Throw a quick roll of the dice, and a new workout emerges. Your recipient will get to work a surprise rotation of muscle groups and never get bored.

The dice also come in a yoga version for any fellow yogis you’ll be gifting this year.

2. A HIIT Board Game

Consider hiding HIIT the board game under the tree for another fun and exciting way to switch up an exercise routine.

Similar to the workout dice, you’ll find no-equipment-needed bodyweight exercises with each roll. But here’s the twist: this board game contains cards to swap, shield, and power up exercises, making working out more like a game of strategy.

Thanks to the added layer of competition, this Christmas gift pick makes a fantastic couples’ present.

3. An Upgraded Water Bottle

There’s a high probability that the fitness lover in your life carries around a water bottle everywhere they go. 

Whether that’s to drink more H2O or to mix protein shakes on the go, they likely have something on hand at all times during the day.

Since this is such a part of their daily life, why not upgrade their go-to vessel with something more stylish, functional, or splurge-worthy?

There are so many unique water bottles on the market right now. You can find ones that help you or your giftee:

Your recipient will be thrilled to have any of those options and happily use it every day. Fact: They’ll probably get more use out of it than anything else you could give them.

4. Massage Balls and Rollers

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It doesn’t matter what your fitness lover’s exercise of choice is; everyone can appreciate a set of massage balls. These will help ease sore muscles and allow them to unwind after a long day.

Foam roller sets are another excellent choice. They target even bigger muscle groups -- hello, sore quads and hamstrings! This set even comes with a few different options to play with.

5. A Cryosphere Roller Ball Massager

Want to take your or someone else’s at-home massage game up a notch?

Look no further than this cryosphere cold massage roller.

It combines the best of both worlds (cold therapy and massage), making each much more accessible and affordable.

Add it to your list to sneak in some much-needed self-care after the hectic holiday season. Or gift it to someone in need of a self-care ritual upgrade.

6. A Fitness Tracker

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Finally, you can’t go wrong with giving your favorite fitness lover a fitness tracker.

On top of counting steps, the best trackers also clue people into their heart rate (both while resting and exercising), how they’re sleeping, their fluctuating stress levels, and more.

A simple glance at the stats on your wrist can help you optimize personal performance and find the motivation to reach any health and fitness goals. The same goes for your loved one, which is why fitness trackers are always at the top of Christmas wishlists.

Gift Your Fitness Lover One of These Presents Today!

Before reading this guide, you may have been struggling to find the perfect gift for the fitness enthusiast in your life. You may have also been drawing a blank when others ask what you’d like under the tree.

So now you have six splendid gift options to choose from!

The hard part of searching is done. Now all that’s left is to figure out which gift your fitness lover would benefit from most (and what you’ll wrap it in).

No matter what you go with, your recipients will be so appreciative that you’re supporting and helping them reach their health and fitness goals. And that’s the best gift of all.

Have a happy holiday season! 🎉


Author: Devan Ciccarelli 

Instagram/Facebook Group: @behappynothangry/Be Happy Not Hangry

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