Love almonds? So does the Rise Bar team! Not only are they delicious but they tout a myriad of health benefits that simply can’t be ignored. They’re so good for you, in fact, that we decided to dedicate this blog to them. Our hope is to educate you further on why the almighty almond deserves so much individual attention. If you’re already in love with them, perhaps you don’t need any convincing, but knowing how good something is that we consume regularly only validates that we’re making smart, well-informed, eating decisions to stay on top of our health.
Here are the 7 Benefits of Almonds:
1 - Almonds are Abundant in Antioxidants
Almonds contain a variety of phytochemicals such as lignans, carotenoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids, and a few others that offer antioxidant, antiviral, and even anti-inflammatory benefits(1). Our Cacao Banana Protein Bar gives an added punch of antioxidants with cacao being a primary ingredient in addition to almonds.
2 - Almonds Are High in Vitamin E
8-soluble vitamins make up vitamin E, which can help to support the body by preventing oxidative stress. It also works well with other vitamins such as vitamin C in terms of enhancing bioavailability and offering enhanced protective antioxidant benefits(2). Just one ounce can deliver up to 35% of the recommended daily dose(3).
3 - Almonds Can Support Help Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Almonds are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, yet low in carbs, making them a great choice if you’re looking to prevent blood sugar spikes. Almonds are also high in magnesium, which is known to help control blood sugar and insulin resistance, among many other things(4)(5). Our Snicker Doodle Bar contains another blood sugar stabilizer, cinnamon!
4 - Almonds Offer Satiety to Stave off Hunger Pangs
Since almonds are high in both protein and fiber, they’re a fantastic resource to help control hunger and leave you feeling full and satisfied. This good news if you’re trying to watch your daily calorie intake. Several studies have shown that almonds can help with appetite control(6). Mint is also known to help keep your appetite in check so if this is your aim, give our Mint Chip Protein bar a try(7).
5 - Almonds Support Eye Health
The high concentrations of vitamin E and antioxidants in almonds make them a stand-out in terms of supporting the health of your eyes. Over time, our eyes are exposed to a lot of free-radical damage that can cause macular degeneration and cataracts(8). Adding a daily dose of almonds whether raw or in a snack bar, for example, can help to prevent these age-related concerns.
6 - Almonds Are Great for the Skin
Almonds offer hydration, circulation, and anti-aging benefits to the skin due to their healthy fat, antioxidant, and vitamin E content. But it doesn’t stop there -- research has discovered that almonds contain exceptionally high amounts of several specific antioxidants including quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin (9), which are known to help combat skin cancer and even reverse oxidative stress from the sun exposure, environmental pollution, and less than stellar eating habits. Our Almond Honey Bar is the perfect treat to help keep your skin glowing!
7 - Almonds = Brain Food!
Almonds (and other nuts) can help reduce common inflammatory markers due to their high antioxidant levels. Several nutrients housed in almonds are noteworthy as they contain a unique combo of both L-carnitine and riboflavin, which both offer positive benefits for sustained cognitive function and increased mental vitality(10). Keep our Chocolatey Almond Bar handy for that intense study or work session to help keep your mind sharp and alert!